Chevereto 3.15.0 (2020-04-16) - Added automatic importing - Added configurable display of embed codes (all, none, users) [11957] - Added file picker workaround for webview (Wechat, QQ) [12033] - Added pup.js support for ProBoards [11927] - Added pup.js support for Quill editor (Vanilla Forums) [11932] - Added rebuild stats button - Added tone mode light/dark toggle - Fixed bug in "move to album" - Fixed bug in API remote URL uploads [12060] - Fixed bug in External Storage S3 API [11917] - Fixed bug in image Exif orientation [11846] - Fixed bug in social signup [12007] - Fixed bug in URL rewriting [11840] - Fixed login when updating prior to 3.14.0 - Fixed missing "hostname" setting - Fixed XSS vulnerability in image uploader [11899] - Improved image upload performance (parallel uploads) - Removed CloudFlare, Theme top bar color dashboard settings - Updated all vendor dependencies - Updated Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Spanish and Turkish translations Check README.txt file and for install or update instructions. If you edited some or part of the affected files merge your changes.